Dr. Mohan Prasad Children Academy

Sumit Mohan Srivastava

“Best School in Sonara-Siswaniya region and good teaching staff”

Noopur Srivastava

“The best school in Maharajganj Siswaniya Village in my knowledge”

Mohd Sayeed

“Very good school especially the teachers wo treat like a friend”

Our Vision

Our vision is to make Dr. Mohan Prasad Children Academy a learning community where motivated students and staff come together to participate in active learning facilitated by modern technology We will ensure the fostering of self-discipline positive attitude, thoughtful and decision-making.

Our Ideology

At Dr. Mohan Prasad Children Academy our endeavor is to provide a environment to our students that facilitates their learning. The leamers at Dr. Mohan Prasad Children Academy will have the ideal environment to:

  • Create an undying curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
  • Attain skills and attitudes to equip them for life in a fast changing world.
  • Be strong willed, independent individuals who have the capacity to think for themselves and make their own decision.
  • Be good natured, responsible and tolerant citizens Global Society who will maintain openness and respect in face of racial, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.